Julie has been taking some swimming lessons, and getting more comfortable in the water. She is loving school still and cracking us up with her silly sayings. Her 2 latest funnies include- "Hey mom, you gots your click-clacks on?" I say, "Oh, you do you mean my flip-flops?"- she giggled and gave me a sheepish grin~ :0)
Then the other day I was showing Logan pictures in a book and I said, "Look Logan, a parrot!" Julie comes over and says, "Mom that is not a parrot, it is a tropical bird!" I say, "oh you're right, you are so smart, what would Logan and I do without you?" she says, "Just not know stuff, I guess!!!"
Julie is such a sponge and a chatterbox right now! She is really asking more in depth questions, like, mom what is the difference between a tortoise and a turtle? And what is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? and Why is the ocean so big, but lakes are not? Ummm, thankgoodness for google... :0) What did moms do back then without the internet at their fingertips?!
Logan's speech has just exploded and I am so thankful that we are able to put off speech therapy for now! He is having so much fun asking, "whas that?" and telling me things that he knows outside or in his books. He is speaking in 4 or 5 word sentences now and other people can actually understand him! (yaaaaaaay!)
Here are a few pictures!
Julie has been helping Logan learn to draw his shapes and letters! She is the best teacher.
My cuddle bugs
Tea Party...
Yes, Logan will play teaparty! :0)
Waking up Sister
Have a great week!
They are precious Lindy! I hope my 2 love each other just as much as yours. =)
So sweet and glad you updated.
Your children are precious!
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